
Q: Is this plane better than the T720 for beginners?

Задавает BG183216434 на 2020-06-15 08:15:55

OldSoulDee I have both and as a beginner I prefer the T720. It's just easier to fly. I feel like I'll like the S720 more once I am more experienced.

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Q: Does this receiver compatible with Jumper TX multi protocol?

Задавает KLKOK на 2020-10-03 00:47:19

OldSoulDee Yes. there is a protocol called OMP which worked for me. I had to set switches up for it. I believe ch5 for arming-disarming the motor, ch6 for trick button, and ch7 for normal-sport mode

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OldSoulDee You are correct. Which is why mode 2 models are shipped from USA and mode 1 are shipped from China. You could get mode 1 in the USA bud you would have to order it from China...

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