Мои вопросы

Q: Essa versão é a global???? Se não quando sai a versão global?

Задавает thiagobcs на 2019-02-11 13:43:47

Quaffheep1712 This is Chinese version, the global version will be available in March.

2019-02-15 03:10:31 полезный (0)
Ответы (1)

Q: os quatros motores giram para o mesmo sentido?

Задавает thiagobcs на 2018-06-27 21:09:14

Felicia All of them are CW screw thread, the direction of rotation can be set to CW or to CCW, depends on your wiring.

2018-07-02 01:07:16 полезный (0)
Ответы (1)