Мои вопросы

Q: Will this phone work in the USA on Verizon network?

Задавает BG451616713 на 2020-10-20 20:34:18

Heightened You can go to this topic to check if this phone can be used in your country. http://blog.banggood.com/check-phone-frequency-band-60194.html

2020-10-23 01:46:23 полезный (0)
Ответы (1)

Q: Is there a diagram of the wiring? What color is hot, neutral, and ground?

Задавает BG451616713 на 2020-10-07 11:42:36

The seller blue is live wire, coffee/brown is neutral wire, yellow is ground wire.

2020-11-02 02:42:34 полезный (0)
Ответы (1)