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Théo Dear sir, I would like to ask you how happy you are with this item almost a year later. And, as a fellow South African, I would like to find out how much the total costs where including our Customs fees and delivery. I am honest in saying I ma scared to order one. I have been burned by Customs before, where it would have worked out cheaper to by locally. Thanks in advance.

BG225316151 22/01/2021
Комментарии (2)

Théo Dear sir, I would like to ask you how happy you are with this item almost half a year later. And, as a fellow South African, I would like to find out how much the total costs where including our Customs fees and delivery. I am honest in saying I ma scared to order one. I have been burned by Customs before, where it would have worked out cheaper to by locally. Thanks in advance.

BG185718133 21/06/2021
Комментарии (2)

Théo Dear sir, I would like to ask you how happy you are with this item over a year later. And, as a fellow South African, I would like to find out how much the total costs where including our Customs fees and delivery. I am honest in saying I ma scared to order one. I have been burned by Customs before, where it would have worked out cheaper to by locally. Thanks in advance.

Steve 03/09/2019
Комментарии (1)

Théo Dear sir, I would like to ask you how happy you are with this item half a year later. According to your reviews I see you bought this one and another. So I am asking about this one too. And, as a fellow South African, I would like to find out how much the total costs where including our Customs fees and delivery. I am honest in saying I ma scared to order one. I have been burned by Customs before, where it would have worked out cheaper to by locally. Thanks in advance

Peter 15/06/2021
Комментарии (1)