
Povd next time you hear someone complaining about how banggood scammed them out of thier hard earned money just remember there's people many more people just like this guy out there.

BG316111316 31/08/2021
Комментарии (3)

Povd MG chemicals makes a much better product for waterproofing electronics then liquid electrical tape, its called silicone modified conformal coating and its specifically made to waterproof electrical components. its more expensive then liquid electrical tape at around $15 for 55ml but it takes alot less product to cover the components, the layering is thin enough that you could waterproof under heatsinks and it won't lower the affectiveness, it glowa under uv light so you can check to be sure you have your components are have been fully coated too.

Slojas 24/09/2016
Комментарии (1)

Povd what do you mean? 1s batteries dont have a balance lead because they only have a single cell so theirs no need to balance charge them so why would a parallel board have a 1s balance lead on it?I've never used a parallel board so I'm not sure about this but couldn't you just hook up the 1s batteries to the 4 corresponding xt 30/60 connectors and charge them that way?

simon2084 09/10/2019
Комментарии (1)