
Q: Okay it supports a cooling fan but where? Underneath the LCD? On one of the sides?

Задавает KristofferHess на 2019-01-10 16:26:26

mblasl There'sisn't really a need for one. The heatsinks maybe lowered the temps a few degrees but I rarely if ever experience throttling on the Pi 3. The 4 is a totally different beast. A case does trap the heat thogh, but I never see critital temps reallly

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Q: does this kit work with raspberry pi?

Задавает pauloaquino на 2019-05-13 10:58:44

mblasl Yup.Be aware of the difference in voltage output and that kits made specifically for Arduino supported microcontrollers usually come with examples written in arduino but you shouldn't have any trouble finding equivalent ones for these common ones made for raspberry (written in Python most likely).

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