
Q: is this camera good for a 4” geprc baby crocodile?

Задавает BG143216164 на 2021-03-04 21:20:31

GreyFox83uk It should fit, they are tiny camera’s

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Q: what goggles for fpv in analog and in digital can I use if I where glasses Rick

Задавает BG205232164 на 2020-12-15 06:04:57

GreyFox83uk You can use those with glasses, I myself am a glasses wearer and they are absolutely fine with plenty of space

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Q: how is everyone getting their vtx tables to show up ?

Задавает BG333251154 на 2021-01-20 12:02:50

GreyFox83uk I gave up with the matek stack, mine didn’t seem to work regardless of what I did so I’ve gone and got a mamba stack You can usually get all info on beta flight my going to cl and using the command there

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