
Q: How can I connect it to my computer desktop(not laptop)?

Задавает John van Meer на 2017-11-16 01:28:03

hunterssports In a similar way you would connect to a phone, eg on a laptop or desktop in settings, hardware, connections or networking or devices icon, ie control panel etc. Depending on what version of windows you are using. But you must have bluetooth hardware on your laptop or desktop, not all laptops and most desktops by default have no bluetooth hardware. It can be added via USB port as a usb 2 or 3.0 bluetooth dongle purchase.

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Q: Can I conect 6 Motors plus GPS and Magno/Compass plus VTX and OSD

Задавает HdJung на 2018-02-01 15:49:27

hunterssports No 6 motors, it's designed for quadcopter = 4 motors, sig 1, 2 , 3 ,4. GPS = yes

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