aggalitsas Areyou sure you are hitting Turbo on the FT03s? Double click from ON? With default Anduril settings the light will not ramp all the way to max (Turbo), it will stop at 120/150 level. There is no way that the 2 LEDs are equal in brightness, I also own FT03-FT03s, and my SBT90.2 blows the XHP50.2 right out of the water.
Ответить 04/11/2023mpoplo Wall throw is not in turbo. I'm not saying that the SFH55 shines weaker, but "to my eye" at a distance, the xhp50.2 diode gave a more focused beam of light, which made it seem like there was more of it. The second is that perhaps my Vapcell 5900mAh batteries do not have the performance to show the difference in favor of the SFH55.
Ответить 08/11/2023Zbycho50 bardzo dobra recenzja, dziękuję
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