Мои вопросы

rpogorelc Yes, it does require soldering to the 5v and buzzer pads on your flight controller. Joshua Bardwell has a great youtube channel with tutorials on just about anything quad related.

2020-01-16 01:16:34 полезный (2)
Ответы (7)

Q: Can I use a 4s 850mah battery for the Diatone TMC?

Задавает tech5960 на 2020-04-17 00:37:34

bullshit I use some unbranded china 4s 850mAh. I get around 4 to 5 min of flying.

2020-08-11 17:01:28 полезный (0)
Ответы (2)

Q: Are there spare motors for the lal3 3" 1408/KV3750?

Задавает tech5960 на 2020-07-24 21:01:47

Punctule Here https://www.banggood.com/Eachine-1408-3750KV-3-4S-Brushless-Motor-for-LAL3-FPV-Racing-Drone-3-Inch-RC-Drone-FPV-Racing-12+12mm-p-1720780.html

2020-08-04 06:07:42 полезный (0)
Ответы (1)