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AndreW82 The display frame is attached with double sided tape to PCB. Display flex cable is not soldered, it is inserted in connector on PCB

2022-10-31 03:43:17 полезный (1)
ответы (3)

pendersricardo Ilove your YouTube channel, it's because of you that I'm interested in this board. I watched several videos which are great tutorials, I used your link to buy this board a couple months ago and had to get a refund because of issues getting it sent to me, they didn't have any of these boards in stock until now so I bought this exact board to follow along with your tutorials so I'm looking forward to finally get one of these boards and start tinkering with it. Thanks a lot for making the tutorials.

Volos Rakic 04/12/2021
Комментарии (2)

pendersricardo Heythanks a lot for the extra information on the GPIO's and the link to the website where the drivers are located, I wouldn't have know without this info.

pjmibanggood 06/07/2020
Комментарии (2)

Q: What power supply does this controller need/work with?

Задавает BG055181820 на 2020-10-28 04:42:56

pendersricardo Recommendedis to use a 5V power supply, 1A is enough for just the microcontroller. You can go up to 12V I do it myself but then the voltage regulators have to work harder and get warmer to burn off the over voltage as heat so you need to take that into account if you use a power supply higher than 5V.

2022-11-04 08:11:46 полезный (1)
ответы (16)

Q: what is the max current in ma this device can supply?

Задавает jdwit на 2021-12-11 02:45:37

pendersricardo ifyou have something that requires more than a single LED you'll have to provide that power via something else, this can't provide any useful power to anything, it's only there to make sure you'll have the same voltage level as the chip is working with, that's selectable by the jumper and you can choose 3.3 volt or 5 volt but these voltages are solely for setting the communication voltage for the communication lines, that's it so do not use it to provide any significant power to your project, you'll destroy it.

2022-09-12 11:45:33 полезный (3)
ответы (3)