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BurnNotice1 22/04/2022
Комментарии (0)

Q: is it comming to EU warehouse anytime soon?

Задавает miguelJose на 2021-10-31 07:49:09

BurnNotice1 No, it only comes from the CN warehouse.

2021-11-09 09:36:27 полезный (0)
ответы (1)

Q: how long does this Heli fly with 4S 5000mah or can I use more powerful bettery???

Задавает BG161022105 на 2021-04-02 01:13:50

BurnNotice1 You will go over the weight limit for the aircraft. You need to change the rotor head from a two blade set up to a three blade of four blade to increase the lifting capability of the helicopter to support the increase in weight of the battery.

2021-10-29 10:16:04 полезный (3)
ответы (2)

Q: I need 8kg class version. Do you have some in stock?

Задавает Yang Hudson на 2017-11-29 09:16:36

BurnNotice1 No unfortunately.

2021-05-19 10:22:04 полезный (0)
ответы (1)