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Whiskers The manual for the light ring version is here http:\\myosuploads3.banggood.com\products\20210512/20210512203946Instructionsfor32-storyCantonTowerKit.rar?_gl=1*1o1zsic*_ga*NzAzMDM4MDYyLjE2OTkxODU2NTQ.*_ga_Z150VP5X0J*MTY5OTE5MzA4Mi4yLjEuMTY5OTE5MzU5OC42MC4wLjA. just reverse the slashes and put a "s" after http or your browser will block it. Banggood do not allow forward slashes.

2023-11-05 08:18:24 полезный (0)
ответы (2)

BG816203211 I don't know "" I dint try it out yet "" ask for help from customers cervice to give you the information""" or contact the manufacturer """ for information ==!!! the problem is they sale items weth out any clear information to the costumer ===!!!

2021-07-27 02:37:01 полезный (1)
ответы (6)