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Q: Will it work if frequency is 5.5 ghz and input is 300mW? Thank you!

Задавает BG167531911 на 2024-01-01 07:57:47

gurkanerol Itonly works 5.5, it's not 2.4, although it's dual, it only works 5.5, it's a movement in 2.4 If we're green, there's no

2024-06-21 07:32:05 полезный (0)
ответы (1)

gurkanerol Thesection, which is only 5.8, is burning, the room is very little, when I change the location of the cables, there is no individual who changes, again, only 5.8 and one side works, if there is 2 and 5 on both sides, one side does not work.

2024-06-21 07:30:33 полезный (0)
ответы (1)