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Q: Will it fit tyro79 ?

Задавает kirilhk на 2021-09-30 02:53:35

massimobrogioni I'm installing ruth in my tyro79, seems ok

2022-04-03 11:47:18 полезный (0)
ответы (2)
kirilhk 17/02/2022
Комментарии (0)

kirilhk In betaflight you can do it in the receiver settings. Just connect the fc to a pc

2021-11-21 04:19:06 полезный (0)
ответы (2)

Q: I can use betaflight to configure this drone?

Задавает juanjo25.escoba на 2020-01-02 06:29:15

kirilhk Yes, you can it basically is the only way

2021-11-12 12:04:36 полезный (0)
ответы (5)

Q: What do I need to connect my fs-i6 remote?

Задавает jmorez на 2020-02-05 02:03:43

kirilhk Fs a8s receiver

2021-11-12 12:04:13 полезный (0)
ответы (2)

Q: how do we switch power on vtx to 300 mw or 600mw

Задавает tfernandes на 2021-02-09 02:50:37

kirilhk on betaflight you can type get Vtx you will get all vtx values then you type set vt power smth = 0,1...4 depending on which power mode you want and then save

2021-11-02 09:32:36 полезный (0)
ответы (3)

Q: Does it work with tinyhawk 2 freestyle?

Задавает Dan на 2021-01-16 11:52:09

kirilhk Anything that transmits 5.8ghz it will work without a problem

2021-11-02 07:20:14 полезный (0)
ответы (8)