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mobilefrag not 100% sure of the max and min voltages, it does work with all of my surface rx's @5-6v 3rd channel is recommended. if you use channel 1, you'll need a splitter so this switch and your steering servo are both connected to the rx. once connected this way, full left turn followed by full right turn should activate, cycle throug modes, and deactivate this device.

2022-10-31 11:41:49 полезный (0)
ответы (1)

Q: what are the mounting hole dimentions?

Задавает BG564104716 на 2022-02-27 07:49:01

mobilefrag I believe they are 9mm.

2022-10-31 11:29:15 полезный (0)
ответы (1)

mobilefrag is the night image lit with all those added LEDs? if so it's very misleading, and I would like to see the same image without added light plz.

AlexAll 26/08/2021
Комментарии (3)

mobilefrag it does support micro SD, up to 32GB I believe

2021-12-15 01:03:04 полезный (0)
ответы (5)

Q: what is the difference between #1,#2,#3,#4,#5

Задавает Gowtham на 2021-11-20 10:03:59

mobilefrag #1 0.75x 100M 0.03"- 328FT #2 1x 100M 0.04"- 328FT #3 1.5x 50M 0.06"- 164FT #4 2x 50M 0.08"- 164FT #5 1.5x 100M 0.06"- 328FT read the description, all specs are there!

2021-11-20 11:15:42 полезный (0)
ответы (2)

Q: Can you use this for mechanical keyboard o-rings mod?

Задавает BG564656020 на 2021-09-28 06:50:14

mobilefrag dimensions are right there in the description. measure your o-rings and see!

2021-09-28 07:54:47 полезный (0)
ответы (3)

Q: Possui mesa aquecida? Até quantos graus atinge a mesa?

Задавает RegisVieira на 2021-09-08 08:28:22

mobilefrag Take the time to read, you took the time to ask a question that has been answered in the description. it states 100°C

2021-09-20 10:47:46 полезный (1)
ответы (2)

Q: it works with trashcan?

Задавает BG571817175 на 2021-06-15 09:39:54

mobilefrag NO! I am pretty sure trashcan uses 40mm props not 31mm. also make sure you choose the correct shaft size for your motors. probably 1mm or 1.5mm. definitely not 0.8mm

2021-06-19 10:18:23 полезный (0)
ответы (2)

Q: can I use 1306 motor on this FC?

Задавает BG155716391 на 2021-06-19 06:54:33

mobilefrag 5 amp MAX. 1306 motors would probably cook the esc's in no time. I do not recomend.

2021-06-19 10:15:38 полезный (0)
ответы (2)