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Q: Is it good for a rubber boat?

Задавает BG195233224 на 2022-08-04 04:55:15

The seller I'm sorry, the rubber boat can't be charged, you can flush the swimming ring

2022-08-05 12:49:25 полезный (0)
ответы (1)

BG195233224 Hi Pavel! Scan the following PNG image. Run the program. If it is no longer suitable and The instruction manual is in Chinese, and you can speak English: ask Ifisense for instructions in English. You will receive a PDF within 24 hours! Enjoy using it! You will be surprised to see such a faint meteor that you cannot see with the naked eye! Attila

2022-07-21 04:47:07 полезный (0)
ответы (2)