
Q: What is the most powerful battery that it will take ?

Задавает BG576164782 на 2021-08-15 15:25:07

Jomi293 7.4v is recommended max voltage if you dont change motor.

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Jomi293 You need to configure e steps on your stepper motor. It should be something over 400 with this extruder. Inside marlin it has change fillament button but i personally change it manually releasing presure from the arm and lifting filament out.

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Q: Can I use these with my Air Gun? Pls advice.

Задавает BG201047113 на 2021-04-04 09:59:10

Jomi293 Yes its possible but i would recommend normal spray paint or plastidip.

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Q: How long does it take to deliver

Задавает BG121632141 на 2021-01-28 21:53:14

Jomi293 It depends where you live. I live in skandinavia and it took 22 calendar days.

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Jomi293 You can find asembled version when you search "WPL B16" and select the non kit one.

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Q: This version comes with Optical Sensor for security fly indoor, or not?

Задавает BG135753504 на 2021-02-06 20:06:35

Jomi293 Yes it has optical flow sensor but i would not recommend flying indoors because it does not have obsticle avoidance.

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