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BG134091550 26/12/2021
i bought this for the 124019 to keep the esc cool because the stock one got to hot and doesn't work, when i plugged it in the fan didn't work but when i plug it into the led spot then the fan worked, make sure theirs nothing blocking the fan because it will prevent it from working to, also its bigger than the stock esc in the 124019. this certainly cools both the motor and esc works very well sense haven't had any other problems.
Комментарии (2)
  • BG311398558 el funcionamiento del coche es igual?
    es más veloz?
    es compatible con el transmisor original?
    simplemente cambiar viejo por nuevo y a correr?

    Ответить 14/01/2022
  • BG134091550 @BG311398558 yesit worked with the original transmitter and didnt make it any faster from what i noticed works the same as the original esc this one just doesnt get hot

    Ответить 13/02/2022
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