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BG496521418 18/12/2023
Rather small but cute! Advanced DC PS. The 2 knobs controlling V and I have a press switch. They can be rotated continuously in either direction. The switch controls each of the 4 digits. The V switch also controls the system settings. Three memory buttons are provided (long press to store and short press to recall). The PCB, switches and wiring are excellent. A few tiny spots of solder were stuck on the bottom plate. The heat sink is grossly inadequate. The thermostatically controlled fan intermittently turns on even for 10W loads. I didn't test it for max rating continuously. The display is correct, but there are no presets on the PCB for calibration. It automatically switches between CC and CV. Make sure the settings are correct before switching the output on. The supplied output cable may be ok for currents less than 5A. A better cable, clamps and banana plugs would be required for higher currents.
Комментарии (1)
  • Jothish Thanks for this detailed review. Was looking for this since some time

    Ответить 20/01/2024
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