BG391810138 Completelyagree. I am trying to return this item, because of that. Wish me luck with the return.
Ответить 26/02/2023ViniciusCarvas thanks
Ответить 03/03/2023HenkvanZwam Thanksfor the warning. They do that more often. For me reason not to buy.
Ответить 05/03/2023BG919342363 to jak zrobić zakup żeby mieć cały zestaw?
Ответить 07/04/2023BG223745122 howdo i go about ordering the missing part? I have the sharpening angle quire but no the sharpening angle fixture. If i search for sharpening angle fixture, i get the entire set
Ответить 17/04/2023BG457180501 So cunning aren’t they
Ответить 21/04/2023
@BG223745122 Yougot two small pictures below the price and above the "sent from" line, on the rigt part of the screen.
first is gauge and "roller", second ("b") is the fixture.
BG384124111 This post has
Ответить 18/08/2023BG932101610 Almostmade that mistake myself. Caught it just because I was price shopping in notice them sold separately on AE... came back and was shocked I was about just but half a sharpening system.
Ответить 23/10/2024О компании | Cвязаться с нами | Оплата и доставка | Партнерские программы |