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SmallAxeBigTree 20/01/2024
Good wee 1s drone. Very quiet and seems pretty durable. It doesn't ship with correct firmware to use ELRS with Betaflight. You'll need to upgrade to latest BF firmware and then go into the BF receiver tab to sort. There's a bind button when you select correct protocol.
Комментарии (2)
  • tech5960 This drone looks like it was built by a newbie.

    Ответить 21/09/2024
  • SmallAxeBigTree or perhaps they were at the end of a long shift. No QC on that quad anyway. Easily sorted. I removed the foam shim but prob best leaving just to give a bit of extra support to camera. it's great wee drone to fly about house , and also very durable

    Ответить 07/10/2024
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