THXkid simplebarometer height hold in these cheap toys just does what it says "Height hold" holds the same height, does not take a picture of the ground and attempt to lock in like the more exspensive GPS drones, all these toy ones work this way, want hove hold, buy their $500 one that just came out it will hold steady.
Ответить 20/06/2022THXkid Plusyou ever try to fly a helo FPV, Not an easy task, they are no simple to fly drones, 4 blades easy to fly FPV, 2 props both point and going different directions, not as easy to fly FPV, I know I got my E129 with a AIO camera system and fly it with Fastsharks. The FPV Video is posted here at banggood under E129, so you can stick AIO camera's in these Helos.
Ответить 20/06/2022BG517551982 LOL,It's funny I thought the same about it not having or mentioning that it had a phone holder clamp UNDER the plastic tray insert that holds the 110 and batteries and transmitter. I happened to remove it to modify it for landing gear I made for the helo and there it was!! And it works fine with the controller and phone/APP together!
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