DS3231 Часы Модуль 3.3V / 5V Высокая точность для Raspberry Pi

claudiofranco Написал 2014 дней назад.


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    • От Jonee 10/03/2018 Sure doesn't take up much space. About as compact as it can get. If you need the INT/SQW pin, which is not connected on this module, you will need to connect a jumper wire from pin 3 to the unused NC pin of the Dupont connector. That way you can use the alarm features on the chip...
    • От speleos 20/08/2014 Because this RTC module works at 3.3 V there is no risk of damaging the Pi with 5 V to the I2C pins. Furthermore, pin order is perfect to connect to the board. Some instructions could be given in the product page, but they are easily found online. From powering down the Raspberry pi, inserting the RTC board, rebooting and making the necessary changes in /etc/rc.local, etc., it took under 5 minutes. Now I don't have to worry about power failures making a mess of the fake hardware clock tehe Pi use
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