Rolly your saw does not start because it needs at least 3000w to spin up... use a ptc limiter to avoid that and it will work ;)
Ответить 19/10/2023BG397153317 It may support 2000W steady state, but motor starting requires high inrush current to get it going. Not sure if that’s why, but inrush has bit me in the past.
Ответить 19/10/2023BG445094140 HelloYoyo22 40W of self-consumption seems to be something important to know, especially if you want to let it runs entire nights during winter. 400Wh for 10 hours without any load on it really needs to be considered before buying. Thanks a lot for you review guy.
Ответить 08/12/2023Yoyo22 what is a ptc limiter ? I don't know this instrument.
Ответить 18/05/2024Yoyo22 Thanks you for your review. Yes It's not a lot but as you say it must be included into the full load. AT the beginning I don't unerstand why It was empty after a night for securing my freezer (1500W). Thé next day morning it was fully empty 😂
Ответить 18/05/2024BG573723332 Ihave run washing machine on it and station hold 2150W
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